Bedlington Terrier
This dog is a terrier in sheep's clothing.
Height: 15 to 16 inches at shoulder
Weight: 17 to 23 pounds Coat: crisp and curly Life span: 14 to 16 years Breed Group: Terriers The Bedlington Terrier originated as a killer of vermin and poacher's sidekick. Today Bedlingtons excel as companions and in the show ring. Although they still have excellent hunting instincts, a keen sense of smell, and the will to go to ground, they are rarely used in the field.
Bedlington Terrier profile on
General Characteristics
Amount of shedding
Cold tolerance
Dog friendly
Drooling potential
Ease at being home alone
Heat tolerance
Need for exercise
Predatory tendencies
Tendency to bark or howl
Affectionate with family
Easy to groom
General health